
DM Dave

A long time ago, when DM Dave was only known as "Dave", him and his closest friends decided to learn and play Dungeons and Dragons together. Where most beginners would prefer to learn via the players handbook, Dave saw The Dungeon Masters Guide off in the corner glint and, like a moth to a flame, it caught his eye. The second he touched this new shiny bauble, he transformed into the Dave we know today, DM Dave.

DM Dave's main goal for careful cantrip is to make sure his players are immersed in his story and having fun. With a "rule is cool" and storytelling-over-mechanics approach to dnd, he weaves the player character's story into his magically crafted tale.

This season on Careful Cantrip, DM Dave can't wait to share his world, Neverwyr with his players and the fans alike. Join us in a coming-of-age adventure in the enchanting realm of Neverwyr, where the fabric of familiar fairy tales weaves a spellbinding saga of magic, mystery, and discovery.

When not DM'ing, you can find Dave playing minecraft, painting minis, making dice, or, in his alter ego as Gamer Dave wreaking chaos across the internet. 

Rayna Rai

Rayna Rai first heard of a wacky game called dungeons and dragons on a show called "Community". She, along with DM Dave, and a few of thier friends decided to try and learn it. The second she started creating her first charatcer, a LOTR inspired elf ranger, she knew she was hooked. 

After witnessing DM Dave's storytelling and her friends' roleplay abilities at the table, she knew there was something magical there and she felt it had to be shared. She held what would be the first of many meetings and pitched the idea that, together as friends, we start a real-life adventure together: a live stream actual play campaign, to share our story with anyone who would want to watch. And thus, Careful Cantrip was born. 

Rayna has always felt that D&D and TTRPGs alike are not just a valuable source for fun and imagination but also a wonderful community and team building activity where everyone involved can learn, grow and create vivid memories together. Rayna is privileged not only to be able to find the time every Tuesday to play dnd with her closest friends but also champion at the head of careful cantrip and lead the media and business side of this adventure.

Rayna enjoys playing video games, creating digital art, video editing, baking and teasing her frenemy Bobby.  


Hey yall! I'm DnD enthusiast Bobby! I'm from California, I have 7 brothers and sisters and like eating cookies in bed with my Great Pyranees Moose! I was among the people who found DnD during the lockdown and found Careful Cantrip through pure unadulterated chance. I would go into DnD streams have the party roll a d20 and do free fanart of their characters. One day I happened upon a querky little group of misfits with my usual offer of mediocre art and they were so excited they invited me to play. Now I'm stuck with this group for the foreseeable future. I enjoy playing relatable characters as well as strong personality types. I'm also the channel artist with help from my dear frienemy Rayna.


Native to the great, white North, the wild Jess started playing Dungeons and Dragons while in hibernation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, it appears she has never looked back (unless she’s revisiting the Player’s Handbook because she is still learning the rules). During the Winter months, this creature prefers to remain indoors, heavily fed and sedated. During the Summer, she can be found outdoors among the sun and trees. This peculiar creature is rarely spotted without her companion: a sturdy, mouthy chihuahua named Louis.


I'm Nate, a Dungeons & Dragons enthusiast from the foggy shores of Atlantic Canada. I’m a gamer and roommate to two cats. At the table I blend four years of immersive gameplay along with skilled roleplaying and improv comedy into what I've been told is “Good enough, I guess - Now why are you in my bathroom?” by a critic I can no longer name. 

During my time with TTRPG’s I've learned collaborative storytelling is one of the best ways to have fun. Beyond the dice and character sheets I enjoy gaming, comedy and horror.


Peter is an award-winning dungeon master, worldbuilder and producer of silly voices that hails from the frost bitten halls of the Great White North. He is incredibly excited to be on the cast, because that means he can sit down and focus on one character’s development for once!

Peter’s initial introduction to D&D was through playing a character in the edition that shall not be named (4e) when he was in college. After a short campaign all seemed to die down a bit and life kept moving. Many years later… Critical Role campaign 1 happened. It reignited his passion for D&D and storytelling, he charged head first into creating his homebrew world of Azlos, and a home game for his wife and friends to play in and the rest is history. During the pandemic, he started broadcasting his games and stories on Youtube and Twitch with his actual play The Crystal Arc and now is mostly worldbuilding since the birth of his son, Nico.

If Peter isn’t on Careful Cantrip, you can probably find him worldbuilding and doing something TTRPG related over at his channel. Champions of The Table.

When Peter isn’t playing D&D he’s either gaming, barbequing or hanging out with his son, Nico, his amazingly supportive wife (you have to be when he does so many voices, yes he’s like that off air too.), Lauren and their two kobolds, I mean Italian Greyhounds.. Winky and Poppy.

Dead Aussie Gamer

Entertainer, professional ttrpg content creator and award-winning Australian Game Master, meet the incredible DeadAussieGamer AKA "DAG".

Over the last decade DAG has honed his skills as a power-house roleplayer and entertainer through his work alongside industry professionals such as GreatGM, World Anvil, Oneshot Questers, Quincy's Tavern and more. Following his mission of promoting mental wellness through gaming, DAG has introduced so many people, young and old to the wonderful world of tabletop roleplaying. 

In season 2 DAG played the role of Basil the nightmare warlock and held his own showing off his ability to handle danger, romance, horror and tragedy and we can't wait to see him bring the same level of authentic performance in 2024 for Campaign 3.

Bec (Caustic Phoenix)

All things stories, Caustic covers the gambit with D&D, video games, and even interviewing to find the treasure in everyone's tales. Outside of Careful Cantrip, you can find Caustic Phoenix on her own channels across most platforms, co-DMing on D20 Deathmatch, and with the GameHers.
